Xiaoqing Yu
Dizi Instructor
Xiaoqing Yu is a well-known Chinese bamboo flute artist, soloist of folk music troupe in China National Opera and Dance Drama Theater. In 2001, Yu graduated from China Conservatory of Music, which is the highest institution of traditional Chinese music.
Yu has performed in more than 30 countries and regions all over the world and is one of the most active young folk musicians. In hundreds of performances, he has won praise from both inside and outside the industry for his superb skills, profound expression and elegant temperament. He has successively released his personal CD "Summer Wind" and "Zen Tea", etc., and has written many professional books.
In 2007, he won the Gold medal in the Instrumental Music Group of Singapore International Professional Music and Dance Competition.
In 2018, he successfully held a Chinese flute solo concert of Elegance and Charm --- The Sound of Bamboo and Jade in San Jose, California, USA. At the same time, he held a lecture of Understanding Oriental Culture through Chinese Flute Art at Santa Clara University.
In July 2019, he served as a judge of the bamboo flute professional group in the "China Instrumental Music Competition" held by China Media Group.
He recorded many performances and interviews for such top media platforms as CCTV, Beijing TV, China International Radio, San Francisco Chinese Radio, World Journal, Sing Tao Daily, etc.
Yu has performed in more than 30 countries and regions all over the world and is one of the most active young folk musicians. In hundreds of performances, he has won praise from both inside and outside the industry for his superb skills, profound expression and elegant temperament. He has successively released his personal CD "Summer Wind" and "Zen Tea", etc., and has written many professional books.
In 2007, he won the Gold medal in the Instrumental Music Group of Singapore International Professional Music and Dance Competition.
In 2018, he successfully held a Chinese flute solo concert of Elegance and Charm --- The Sound of Bamboo and Jade in San Jose, California, USA. At the same time, he held a lecture of Understanding Oriental Culture through Chinese Flute Art at Santa Clara University.
In July 2019, he served as a judge of the bamboo flute professional group in the "China Instrumental Music Competition" held by China Media Group.
He recorded many performances and interviews for such top media platforms as CCTV, Beijing TV, China International Radio, San Francisco Chinese Radio, World Journal, Sing Tao Daily, etc.
喻曉慶,中國著名青年笛簫演奏家,中國歌劇舞劇院民族樂團獨奏演員。2001年畢業於中國音樂學院。演出足跡遍布世界三十多個國家和地區,是國內外舞台上最活躍的青年民樂演奏家之一。 在數百場的演出中以精湛的技藝、深刻的表達以及儒雅的氣質,深得業內外好評。先后發行個人專輯CD《夏風》、《茶界》等,編寫專業書籍多部。2007年獲得新加坡國際專業音樂舞蹈大賽獲器樂專業組金獎。2018應邀前往美國舊金山舉辦《儒風雅韻飛玉聲》獨奏音樂會,並在Santa Clara大學舉辦學術講座。2019年7月,在中央廣播電視總台舉辦的《中國器樂電視大賽》中擔任竹笛專業組評委。 中央電視台、中國國際廣播電台、美國星島電台、《中國民樂報》、美國《世界日報》、《星島日報》等主流媒體都對其進行了節目錄制和專訪報道。 |
For more detailed biography and performance videos, please visit 喻曉慶笛簫藝術.